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Exploring wisdom in madness
Rotterdam, 02/12/2016

Can a psychotic break be a source of inspiration and spiritual nourishment? And how can a spiritual perspective on psychosis help in recovery and care? The third edition of the Crazywise Conference explores the spiritual aspects of psychosis, with a powerful documentary film, ground-breaking speakers and lively discussion groups. Discover our program and register on this website.


The Crazywise conference is named after the CRAZYWISE documentary film by Phil Borges and Kevin Tomlinson. It is, however, organized independently and our organization is not formally linked with the team behind the film.  More about us.

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ISABEL CLARKE (Chairwoman)



Isabel Clarke is a clinical psychologist, working in acute mental health at the NHS. She has written and edited several books: "Madness, Mystery and the Survival of God (2008)," "Psychosis and Spirituality: Consolidating the New Paradigm" and "Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Acute Inpatient Mental Health Units: Working with Clients, Staff and the Milieu."

Katie Mottram has worked in mental health for over 15 years. Having lived experience with spiritual awakening, she is working for the recogniton of spiritual experiences as natural phenomena in mainstream psychiatry, in order that they are no longer pathologized. Author of "Mend the Gap: A transformative journey from deep despair to spiritual awakening", she is one of the Inaugural directors of the International Spiritual Emergence Network, and involved in an innovative mental health pilot study on Peer Supported Open Dialogue (POD) with Dr.Russell Razzaque aiming to transform psychiatry.

Dr. Charles Heriot-Maitland is a clinical psychologist, researcher and trainer at King’s College London. He is currently researching the social context of anomalous experiences and the application of Compassion-Focused Therapy for people experiencing distress in relation to psychosis. He provides psychological therapies in NHS psychosis services, and in private practice. He also runs various compassion training workshops for practitioners and the general public.

Phil Borges is the director of the CRAZYWISE documentary film, in which he explores the relevance of Shamanic traditional practices and beliefs to those of us living in the modern world. For over twenty-five years Phil Borges has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures, striving to create an understanding of the challenges they face. He has hosted television documentaries on indigenous cultures for Discovery and National Geographic channels and his award winning work is exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide.


Private community screening of the full CRAZYWISE documentary film

9:30 - 11:0

Crazy or wise? The wisdom of traditional peoples often seems to contradict the western view on mental health. The documentary CRAZYWISE explores what we could learn from people all over the world who turned their mental crisis into a positive, transformative experience.

Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:20


Phil Borges

11:20 - 11:50

Director Phil Borges will be talking with the audience on the background of the film, and will share with us the insights he gained from making the film.

Isabel Clarke: Psychosis and Spirituality Re-evaluated

11:50 - 12:20

Isabel argues that both psychotic and spiritual experience come from the same potential of human experiencing which is accessible to all; the experience of  being taken ‘out of  oneself’ which, at its extremes, is characterized by anomalous experiencing. She links this potential to limitations of our brains as the filter of our perception. However, this is not a reductionist vision.  It links the reality of relationship, and the relationship that extends beyond the knowable which is characteristic of the spiritual and the religious, with the human potential that gives us both psychosis and spirituality. This is the territory of both transformation and dissolution, and a place beyond certainties.

Lunch Break

12:20 - 13:05


Charles Heriot-Maitland: Anomalous Experiences in a Social Context

13:05 - 13:35

Charlie will outline some of the research being carried out with populations who report anomalous experiences but never come into contact with clinical services. This population can provide insights into the protective factors that may help people relate to, and integrate, anomalous experiences in a more benign or helpful way. The talk will particularly highlight the role of (internal and external) social safeness experience in facilitating this process. It will consider the need to develop a scientific narrative around social experiences in mental health to inform research and interventions.

Katie Mottram: Living a Spiritual Crisis; the joy and the pain explained

13:35 - 14:05

Katie had been a psychiatric nurse for fifteen years, when she entered what some would call a spiritual crisis. Katie shares some of her most profound experiences leading up to, during and since her spiritual awakening in a candid interview.

Coffee Break

14:05 - 14:25


Discussion groups

14:25 - 16:15

After the coffee break we would like to give people ample opportunity to discuss toegether various themes that the documentary might raise. We have selected the following themes in advance, but we will be flexible depending on the needs and circumstances. There is no need to register in advance for a particular discussion group.


Group 1

Sharing unshared realities (English)

In what way can we talk about our own spiritual or anomalous experiences that are not present to those around us? How can we establish a meaningful dialogue with those who seem to experience a reality that we do not recognize ourselves, without resorting to stigmatizing or pathologizing concepts? Group facilitator: Isabel Clarke

Group 2

Raising awareness on Spiritual Crisis (English)

In what way can we raise awareness about spiritual phenomena in mainstream psychiatry? What do you do in your institution, what initiatives are being taken? What would you like do be done? Group facilitator: Katie Mottram

Group 3

The Social Side of Spiritual Crisis (English)

Social relations with peers, friends and family can be really supportive when going through a crisis, but they can also be problematic or detrimental to the process or even the very cause of crisis. What are your experiences? Group facilitator: Charles Heriot-Maitland

Group 4

Spiritual practices and alternative treatment.

Yoga, vipassana, mindfulness, holotropic breathwork, dreamwork, bio-energetics, active imagination, psychosynthesis, reiki, praying, tantra...   What helps where and when, and what does not? We will share our experiences with a variety of practices and therapies that may help or hinder the awakening or recovery process. Group facilitator: Arjan Lelivelt

Group 5

Professionals by experience: to share or not to share?

Up till now, professionals in mental health have kept mostly quiet about their own breakdown and breakthrough experiences. In fact, not revealing one's personal experiences was understood to be an essential attribute of being a professional. These days, however, more and more professionals choose to tear down this "wall of silence". In this group we will discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of sharing one's experiences as a professional in public as well as when working with clients. Group facilitator: Clara Koek

Group 6

Focus group on spirituality and bipolar disorder

Be part of a scientific study! Spiritual carer Eva Ouwehand discusses with participants outcomes of her interviews on spiritual experiences of 35 persons diagnosed with bipolar disorder. What helps to integrate such experiences in daily life and to regain balance? The discussion will be audiotaped and transcribed anonymously. Are you interested to know what the study is about? An article will be sent to you beforehand: Group facilitator: Eva Ouwehand

Group 7

Share Your Story

Did you or your clients ever have spiritual experiences? Which elements of psychotic experiences could serve as an inspiration? How can a psychotic experience be seen in a different, more positive light? Join this group to hear about other people's stories and to share your own. Group facilitators: Griet Daemen en Ruud van Rijsingen

Group 8

Protest and Psychosis

"Take life the way it comes, go with the flow, rest in Being, and if you do, Here and Now, then all is well." But what if after your beautiful mystical experience of unity daily life seems unbearably ugly, coarse, cruel, and unjust? Is all then still well, or does the misery of the world call for action and resistance, and is the "psychotic flight" a protest against the tragic brokenness and criminal mindnumbing mediocrity of daily life? Group facilitator: Grietje Keller

Questions & Answers

16:25 - 17:00

All the speakers of the day will offer answers to questions people in the audience may have.

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Crazywise conference

About us

The Crazywise conference is organized by a team of volunteers. It has been inspired by and named after the CRAZYWISE documentary film by Phil Borges and Kevin Tomlinson. It is, however, independently organised and not linked with the team behind CRAZYWISE documentary film.

Don't hesitate to come over and get to know us at our next conference. From left to right and top to down.We're Ruud Van Rijsingen, Luc Schoot, Griet Daemen (pseudonym), José Hoekstra en Arjan Lelivelt and Jacco Van Sandijk.





0032 496 36 93 71 (after 06:00 pm)

Bericht ontvangen!

Start: 9:30 am

End: 5:00pm

Price (tea/coffee & lunch included): €60 for non professionals, €120 for professionals

Payment details:
BE69 8906 8405 8478

Find us on Facebook:

Venue: Centrum Djoj

Antony Duyklaan 5-7

3051 HA Rotterdam


Click here for directions on how to get there.

It is possible to park for free in the neighbourhood.




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